September 28, 2021
I’m exactly one week to round 4 and experiencing the 7-week itch (I’m trying to be witty). I’m looking forward to being over halfway done with the chemo and hoping for smooth sailing. The past few days my skin has been itching like crazy! I thought it was me sweating out the toxins in my body but I’m not getting much relief after I shower either. I noticed about three days ago the tops of my hands began itching whenever I washed them and had to immediately slather on lotion, which I normally do anyway, but it’s been ridiculous because it’s a little painful. My scalp, oh my goodness, I want to scratch it continuously and desperately try not to because I don’t want to scratch my hair out. I use an apple cider vinegar rinse when I wash my hair which has given me a great clean scalp (along with super curls!) and eliminates itch from the chemo sweats, but the past few days it’s been out of control. Last night was rough sleeping because I woke to an itchy body and proceeded to scratch my arms, back legs, and head for an hour before I could drift off for 15 minutes. There’s no rash, by the way, only red from me scratching. The bright side is my skin is super duper soft from the coconut body butter I’ve been swimming in for relief. When an issue arises, I go directly to my online support forums to find out what is happening from those who have been there before me and sure enough, a search for “itchiness” resulted in posts of other women with similar symptoms and experiences saying the cause is neuropathy from the Perjeta. I am receiving TCHP. The P is for the antibody, Perjeta, which apparently is causing my current issue. So, I woke up and got myself a suggested cocktail of Clariton, 2000mg of C, 200mg of B6 (recommended to ward off neuropathy). Now I wait to see if I get relief from any of it.
My port incision has been a little red this week as well. I don’t know if it has to do with this itchy business, but also, I have been trying to practice some yoga and doing chaturangas for strength, which place pressure on my upper arms and chest. I was prescribed an antibacterial cream to put on it just in case to ward off infection. While exercising, it didn’t bother me or put any pressure on the port that made it feel painful, but also, I don’t recall it being agitated prior to yoga, so who knows? Practicing does make me feel much better, unfortunately, I like to invert and do the tricky asanas because I get a feeling of accomplishment when I get into the poses. We shall see what happens next week.
Three more times, three more times, I can do this. I am going to will my body to be strong and overcome reactions and symptoms. It’s how I have gotten here so far. I know it feels like I’ve been doing a lot of complaining in these posts, but I’m just trying to remember the details of what my body experiences. Also, it’s cathartic for me to get it out. I’m getting it out and complaining to WordPress so people don’t have to listen to me. Ha. Maybe someday it will help someone else. Do note that on game day, I’m mentally prepared to get this done and to win. On game day and after, we are not going to have any reactions. I’ve taken care of my body all my life, and now it will not fail me. I will my body to do what it must. We can do this and we will be that much closer to the finish line. Three more cycles. Let’s go.