A Little Family History. Something that tells you about me in a more visual way and in one long random paragraph. My great granddaddy had a ranch out in Kent, TX. It’s still there even though our family no longer owns it. It was called the JN Ranch and that was the brand that would mark our family history. We still visit when we pass by on our way home to El Paso, TX. Thanksgiving tradition in our home started with a family photo before we said grace. It’s a tradition we still keep to this day. Along with Granny’s parker house rolls. Oh, by the way, the ranch was sold before I was old enough to go out there, so that’s why there are only photos of my stinky brothers enjoying it. Before I had my three human babies, I had my furry baby, Chaplin. After he passed away recently, we adopted Charlie. My sister was my BFF before my hubby was my BFF. They are both my BFFs. My hubby has enough patience to deal with both me and my sister. 😀 We are just crazy funny gals. I live in Plano, but I was born and raised in El Paso, where the poppies grace the mountain side every other spring if the Sun City is lucky. Maybe every spring. OK, really, no one knows when they’ll show up because it is dry as dirt out there and the city is lucky to get a drop of rain. But when they bloom, it’s beautiful. When I made my logo for my business, I thought about my family, my roots, my hometown, and all our traditions. I tried to incorporate a part of me into it more than just my initials. It reminds me of my family’s ranch and my hometown in the desert. It reminds me of the beauty of west Texas and makes me think of my dad and granddaddy every time I see it. It makes me happy. I use my “brand” to burn my images which I guess you could say are my cattle. LOL. I know, it’s dopey. Wait until you see my mom’s side of the family…

a little family history

EDITED TO UPDATE: While I no longer go by my old business name or use the poppy in my logo, I still maintain the same color scheme for my brand, yellows, golds, grays to keep me rooted to my beginnings. I am proud of to be carrying on with the creative genes I with which I was born.

— Angela, Angela Navarette Photography, Plano, TX

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  1. I’ve always loved your logo, but never knew there was such a prominent story behind it! Very cool 🙂

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